Software Technical failure Threat

Software Technical failure

Error that causes failure of a system component and leads to disruption of system operation. This threat has negative impacts on the information availability. Technical errors in software usually occur when: 

1. a programmer designed and distribute these programs to users and contain technical flaws Bugs non-exposed. Large quantities of computer code are written, debugged, published, and sold only to determine that not all bugs were resolved. 

2. The user installation of unlicensed or cracked software. 

3. The software is not compatible with the hardware.

This possible technical errors that adversely affect the system works so: can display unexpected results, can be exposed to be out of service, or can be vulnerable to attack.

The Countermeasures to prevent this threat to happen:

1. Educate employees to avoid Software Technical failure. 
Like: do not installation of unlicensed or cracked software. 
Also educate them about kinds of threats that may occur.

By: Reham Asiri

2. Download security software like:

  •  IDS to detect the viruses.
  •  Firewall to block it.

So, Security software is very important to avoid viruses, attacks and software failure.

By: Ohoud Alshammary

3. They must have daily Backup database and save the important 
information to avoid any damage occur 
or any motivation may happen like: power cut.

By: Reham Asiri

4. update all softwares before the expend day because may the company loss their information or loss their availability. 
Also there is other way to update software by using specific applications we will write it in the next point.
By: Ohoud Alshammary

5. list of all expend date of softwares by using software to remind them if there is any update for all softwares that company use it, to be sure they will be on safety side and avoid software failure by update it before the expend date.

By: Reham Asiri

6. report the employees about any threat was happened before and give them the details about these threats to be aware about them and avoid these threats.

By: Ohoud Alshammary

The Responses to deal reduce or stop with the threat:

1. call the Specialists 
Immediately (like for example IT employees) and report them about this problem.

By: Reham Asiri

2. Try to find solution for recover software by reporting to the responder to figure damage and solve the problem.
After we discover the problems they have to make a new version of the software that enhance it and make it more efficiently and secure.

By: Ohoud Alshammary

3. Check the security software if it was updated or not.
If they updated before this problem happened they should change this security software.
But if not, they should update it to be more secure.
So they should always update the security software and choose the more efficient and powerful security software.

By: Reham Asiri

4. When the software interrupted, they should go to the backup to save  their information until they fix this problem then restore information.

By: Ohoud Alshammary

5. Read all previous reports to check if this problem happened before or not, this way will save time and effort to find the most appropriate solutions for this failure.

By: Reham Asiri

6. check the log file if Exist, because this log file mostly record every activities that happen when the software run. So, they can find the problem and report the responder to solve it.

By: Ohoud Alshammary

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